
2014年3月30日 星期日

[Kowloon Metal City: Fun Stuff]《This is a Trent Reznor Song》:可能是世界上最精彩也最搞笑的tribute


一個Nine Inch Nails的fans(好似係),寫了一首《This is a Trent Reznor Song》給Trent Reznor,投訴/讚賞了他們的歌曲如何地機械化,而且不止歌曲,就連MV都非常忠於NIN的捕捉了那一份神韻。不是最忠實的樂迷,怎能夠作出這樣登峰造極的致敬?

Here comes the ultimate tribute in history: a (maybe) Nine Inch Nails fan wrote a song, "This is a Trent Reznor Song", as a tribute to Trent Reznor and his bandmates, complimenting/complaining their mechanical way to write songs. Accompanying with an "official video", hilarity ensues. Only the ultimate fan can tell the band how hard they suck with such clarity, both sonically and visually.

