
2014年2月6日 星期四

[Kowloon Metal City: Video] 為了賺(更多)美金,你可以去到幾盡?


為了賺(更多)美金,你可以去到幾盡?荷蘭交響金屬樂隊Within Temptation早就為進入美國市場,將自己由歐洲一線gothic metal樂隊降格為Evanescence複製品,相信覺得還是賺得不夠多,新專輯《Hydra》曲風依舊難說gothic稱alternative metal更恰當,四位客串歌手中居然有三位來自美國樂隊,號稱「網羅不同歌唱風格」,實則經過充份計算,三人三種出身,得以瞄準所有潛在市場一網打盡,所以會出現美國hip-hop歌手Xzibit出現在歐洲「gothic metal」樂隊歌曲中的異相,正式成為Evanescence第二了。記得德國「pop death metal」Deadlock已有試過美rap加歐金惹來全面劣評,當有前車可鑑的時候仍義無反顧,相信WT早就不再關心舊歌迷的感受了。Go west才是王道。

(雖然除了《And We Run》這首不妥,《Hydra》其實不太差,已是她們這十幾年來最好的專輯了...)

How far will you go for earning as much US dollars as you can? The Dutch "once-gothic-now-alternative" symphonic metal band Within Temptation had earned their fame in the States long ago, by degrading themselves from a top-class European gothic metal act to an Evanescence clone. Surely nobody hates some more bucks, so in their newest release "Hydra" three out of four of the guest vocalist are from US bands with different styles/backgrounds. "For diversity", they claimed. But more obvious a very clever marketing scheme to target all new potential markets at once. So here we have this "innovative" collaboration between an European symphonic metal and an US rapper. In fact we had Deadlock, a German "pop death metal" band, did something alike years back, which received overwhelmingly bad comments. Looks like somebody here do not learn the lesson. But who cares, just go west like Pet Shop Boys sings, where all the money is.

(Despite this hideous attempt to mix US rap with EU metal (and failed), "Hydra" actually is already their best effort in a decade...)

