
2014年1月31日 星期五

[Kowloon Metal City: Video] Metallica,與其華而不實,不如簡簡單單出張新live album算罷


或者在格林美頒獎禮和郎朗合作的《One》實在太差,很快Metallica已發放只有自己版本的《One》寄望可贏回正評。演出片段來自他們的立體電影《Through the Never》,見到「故事」如此含糊,剪接又帶不出樂隊的氣勢,不如乾脆出一張新的演唱會專輯算罷。

The "Metallangca Fiasco" at the Grammy's Award was probably too bad, Metallica quickly responded by releasing their own "pure" version of "One" in haste to win back our hearts. The clip is taken directly from their 3D movie "Through the Never". Perhaps they should just release another live disc, instead of a movie with unclear story line and bad editing.


轉咗新工,今年冇得再去歐洲嘆返兩個禮拜順便避年喇。理論上都有得避嘅,就係新年前一後一加兩日假,去台北匿返半個禮拜,仲有BabyMetal X 閃靈同我過年初二,點知夜晚臨瞓訂晒機票酒店,朝早搭緊車老細就打嚟話個客可能要遲開張撞正我上機嗰日開檔,台北BabyMetal避年團當堂收皮啦,仲新年三日都可以開足工落場睇實個客檔嘢,變成開住工避年。不過有工開好過冇工開啦,取消機票酒店條數啱啱好一千,逗多三日人工再逗埋利是正好填返,順便儲埋銀根過完年去揾牙醫睇睇年三十佢哋收晒爐先嚟痛隻大牙...即係賺埋賺埋都係財散人安樂冇得落袋。



2014年1月30日 星期四



更灰係之前隻智慧齒拆完線前面大牙痛痛地以為正常,點知過多日發現原來真係出事,睇怕連左邊隻大牙都瓜鬼咗要杜埋牙根,立即打電話去牙醫度問問有乜解救,點知連診所都晨早收爐,大鑊佢收爐我就收皮喇。搞到呢個新年冇假放工照開, 仲要連續四日紅假先嚟牙痛,想食新年大餐喎食止痛藥啦你。


2014年1月28日 星期二









[Kowloon Metal City: Video] 郎朗+Metallica...好一個「Metallangca Fiasco」。和一個disrespectful的Grammy Awards。




What everyone looked forward to last weekend was the collaboration of Metallica and Lang Lang, the two giants from their respective world. Sadly the result was not as great as it should be. When the song they did together was Metallica's "One", already you knew who was the main character and who was the sidekick. And really a sidekick Lang was, that his virtuosity contributed nothing to the song, even sounded like the two just played to entertain themselves instead of perform together. And that awkward piano solo ruined the whole flow and feel.

If you thought their previous collaboration with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra "S&M" was meaningless enough, then they took one step further this night.

Grammy Awards 'In Memoriam'
Snubs Slayer's Jeff Hanneman @Loudwire


看完格林美「Metallangca」的失敗演出,不妨再思考這一問題:為何Metallica早被批評越老越自暴自棄,仍然可以不斷被大型音樂節目邀請做嘉賓;相反對音樂發展影響力同樣偉大、同樣身為「Thrash Metal四大」一份子的Slayer,他們現在的演出依舊氣勢凌人,更贏過兩次格林美獎早在此殿堂留名,今屆年度悼念環節中,卻沒有提及過他們在上一年離世、生前幾乎一手定下了death metal規範的結他手Jeff Hanneman?當然,他也不是第一個在重金屬界舉足輕重的偉人,被這個大型頒獎禮如此忽視。


After watching the shallow "Metallangca" fiasco, let's think deep: why we still have plenty of chances to see Metallica on stage in numerous events or ceremonies, even they are playing worse and worse year after year? Then look at Slayer, the equally influential heavy metal godfathers, also a member of the "Thrash Metal Big Four". They still give superb live shows just as always, and won two Grammy Awards not too long ago. Sadly in the recent annual memorial session, we were missing a name: Jeff Hanneman, the deceased Slayer guitarist , one of the creators of Death Metal Paradigm. Of course he was not alone. There were a lot more greats from the heavy metal world neglected by this ceremony in the past decade.

Nevermind, it's all just entertainment and games for commercial corporations, folks. All is cared is not about the music nor the musicians, but the fame behind them.

2014年1月25日 星期六

每週一相片大行動 2014 Week 4:強國冇理由仲未ban十分政治不正確的Dead Trigger喎

或者因為真係咁乞人憎啦,睇過好多喪屍片/game都會將喪屍病毒爆發點或者發源地設定為大陸,例如《World War Z》原著小說 - 你問我點解套戲唔係噉講,仲要話係大陸專家查出成因?原因就同大陸點解咁乞人憎一樣咁明顯啦。

今次到Dead Trigger第二集。當人類反抗軍由美國打到去非常,已經隱約估到跟住會殺到去中國。(呀...其實一早有條trailer喺一個好似觀塘/灣仔嘅地方打巨人喪屍架喇)(但擺到明取景香港連佈景都要用晒繁體字,DT2居然冇得打外國戲/game最鍾意摧殘嘅香港而力谷上海,相當失望,定還是佢哋都知道香港一早已經冇得救,上海將會係下一個香港?)故事講山長水遠嚟到中國,因為病毒源頭同第一個喪屍化病人就喺中國,跟住其中一個任務係佔領兵工廠,一個大陸政府知道遲早有一日會發生佢哋都控制唔到嘅暴動,所以特登起嚟大量生產同囤積對人彈藥以備鎮壓革命嘅軍事基地。


2014年1月23日 星期四

[Kowloon Metal City: Fun Fact] 還有比有一頭羊做你的忠實fans更metal的事嗎?


Grindcore fan that happened to be a goat
passes away@Metal Insider




幸好她沒有遇到會犧牲牲口的black metal樂隊到農舍演出,否則到頭來也難逃被宰的宿命。

What's more metal than having a sheep watching your whole gig in the very first row? Story was Biquette the little sheep escaped slaughterhouse and ran to a farmhouse. The best farmhouse in the world for this sheep, which also doubled as a venue for gigs, and she happened to be a sheep totally in love with heavy metal.

Biquette had the physiology of a sheep but psychology of a dog, love to stick around with people and more amazingly, enjoy heavy metal music, frequently showing up in all kind of gigs with loud sound and lots of people. Legend told when Singaporean grindcore superstars Wormrot toured to this gighouse farmhouse, Biquette was at their gig too, yet unimpressed by the opening acts and hid herself somewhere at the back. Just as Wormrot showed up, she wandered straight to the front and stayed for the whole Wormrot show set. Surely she had some good taste in music. And her favourite refreshments were cigarette and alcohol. How typical for a metalhead.

Sadly she passed away at the age ten not long ago. Seeing sheeps seldom live older than this age, and she escaped slaughter and enjoyed half of her life in the best place just next to heaven, Biquette was surely the happiest sheep in the world, and will always be remembered. R.I.P., the most adorable and metal sheep ever.

P.S. Luckily Biquette did not show up at a black metal gig, which the kind of music is infamous for goat sacrifice at some point of time. She could be a great candidate, and would sadly still be unable to escape the fate to be slaughtered.



2014年1月22日 星期三

[Kowloon Metal City: Video] 看看這(兩)段挪威頒獎禮的表演,你只會再加覺得香港的音樂頒獎禮表演環節不值一看


日前談到挪威black punk metal樂隊Kvelertak在「挪威格林美」Spellemannprisen獲很多義人相助壯烈地為觀眾表演了一首歌,今天回一回帶,看看另一個同樣發生在瑞典大型電視節目的史詩式金屬故事。

首先,介紹一下Eurovision。這是全歐洲聯合舉行的年度歌唱大賽,各國家選出一位代表歌手挑戰全歐最佳寶座,最出名莫過於芬蘭的怪獸搖滾團Lordi,破天荒以搖滾姿態在普遍保守的評審中突圍而出,成為2006年度歐洲冠軍。而2009年冠軍得主是代表挪威的俄羅斯裔年青音樂家Alexander Rybak,他的勝利令挪威成為2010年主持Eurovision的國家,而這一年大受注目選手是旋律黑金團Keep of Kalessin,雖以一首非常大眾化的歌曲《The Dragontower》參賽並大獲好評,最後只博得第三名飲恨未能代表主場出戰決賽,不過如此重型的樂隊能夠入選並得此好成績己是一時佳話。

重頭戲在再跟著一年。2011的挪威區選拔賽中,主辦單位找來這前兩年最具議論性的選手合作擔當表演嘉賓,在Keep of Kalessin表演2010年搶得銷量排行榜第二名的專輯《Reptilian》中最出名的《The Divine Land》時,Alexander Rybak擔當他們小提琴伴奏和音歌手,而這並不是像《The Dragontower》一般已跟流行金屬無異的主流作品,相反屬他們一貫高速殘暴的epic melodic black metal,這樣的歌曲居然能登大雅之堂,可見當地音樂節目無論如何保守,最終也可反映和包容到當地各種藝術文化,不得不敬佩與羨慕。


Yesterday we talked about the recent one-song yet epic performance by Norwegian black punk metal band Kvelertak in their home country's Grammy-analog Spellemannprisen. This time we went back further to 2010, the year infamous for Keep of Kalessin winning the 2rd runner-up place in Eurovision National Final, albeit with a very mainstream song that was totally unlike what they usually did.

One year later the band were invited to play an intermission at Eurovision with Alexander Rybak, the 2009 Eurovision champion that won the prize for Norway with some cheesy folk song. This time the band played "The Divine Land", the heaviest song from their 2010 album "Reptilian" which entered the chart at second place when released, with Mr. Rybak provided them shredding violin virtuosity and chrous. What they did here was drastically different from what they did in their respective competitions. And you have to witness the event in order to believe such things really happend on TV in reality.

The lesson here, is musicians only produces the best music when they have absolutely no burden in aspirations and calculations.

2014年1月21日 星期二

[Kowloon Metal City: Video] Watch This Kvelertak's Performance at Spellemannprisen, You Will Understand How an Award Ceremony Performance Should Be


對真正的樂迷而言,香港每年年底年初的連串頒獎禮,觀賞價值只在於能看喜歡的歌手現場表演,和有機會聽到他們唱一些平日不會唱的歌。只是當與歐洲的相比還差很遠,因為他們的不是隨便讓歌手上台唱一唱甚至只得半首就算,而認真看待每一個表演環節,賦予專業級製作帶給觀眾最難忘的演出。像Kvelertak這支近年大紅大紫的挪威black punk metal樂隊在Spellemannprisen這挪威本土的格美林頒獎禮獻唱一首,便獲兩位唱作歌手亮相彈奏民歌結他,中段更有五人軍鼓團出場,如此周章僅僅是為一支樂隊一首歌所費,這在別說black/punk/metal,就連樂隊都難登頒獎禮之堂的香港,實在難以想像。


How incredible it is. In Spellemannprisen 2013, the Grammy Award of Norway, we found Kvelertak on stage. Not only a black punk metal band had the chance to show up in a nation-wide TV broadcast. Also they had the honour to be accompanied by not just one but two singer-songwriter on stage contributing acoustic guitar parts to their music, and then a quintet drumline helped propel the whole performence to an even more epic proportion. This is how a live event in an award ceremony done right.

2014年1月20日 星期一


頂你Denon,真係每次都計到啱啱好三個月,對耳筒就會壞。老實我仍然唔想放棄,因為試咗咁多組合,唔計好多好多年前Sony出而家已經搵唔返嗰對最完美metal耳筒,iPod加Denon C360先造得到我最鍾意嘅metal聲,而且呢個組合聽pop都唔錯 - 之前Shure聽pop聽post係更加正,但用嚟聽metal就實在太唔適合。不過聲點樣掂,Denon貨由以前一年換一對(即係一過保養就死...)變成而家一季換一對,雖然張單仲有半年時間即係夠我換多最少三對,大佬邊個想噉樣每幾個月就要特登出一次佢哋寫字樓搞場大龍鳳呀,仲要星期一至五先開即係幾乎要請假先去到搞,仲要上去擺低冇得立即換新要一兩個禮拜之後又再上多次去至有得拎。唉係咪個天都迫我開始尋找下一對metal headphone的故事呀。

2014年1月19日 星期日






2014年1月15日 星期三




老實,《Elementary》真係唔算好好睇,始終玩摩登版福爾摩斯,有故鄉BBC拍嘅《Sherlock》在前,《Elementary》搬到美國連形式都變到好美劇,例如拖到長一長同每一集都由太多枝節砌埋到頭來始終有點自圓其說,就算冇《Sherlock》我諗都冇幾多人覺得套劇好睇,因為真係有點平庸,要到最後兩集鬥Moriarty先至似樣而且拍得相當精彩,我非常鍾意臨尾個設計,不過繼華生變女人仲要係Lucy Liu一定大把人狂鬧,最後Moriarty設計得咁破格,我相信只會有更多人小。


2014年1月14日 星期二

[Kowloon Metal City: Fun Fact] That's Why Both The Simpsons and Judas Priest Prevail for Decades and Still Going Strong

The Simpsons Apologize for
Labeling Judas Priest "Death Metal"


The Simpsons貴為美國最受歡迎卡通片之一,年來請得動不少名人動畫化客串,早前到英國殿堂級重金屬樂隊Judas Priest粉墨登場,不過劇情中一句形容風格為傳統重金屬的Judas Priest為death metal的對白惹來非議。難得製作組從善如流,聽到批評他們資料搜集不足的聲音,跟著星期的一集,藉片頭著名的教室罰抄場面反映了大家的心聲順道致歉。The Simpsons可以跟Judas Priest獲大家支持廿多三十年之久,不是沒有理由的。

Honoured as one of the best TV shows ever, it is common to found cameos by celebrities in the American cartoon The Simpsons. Recently Judas Priest, the world-famous British heavy metal godfathers, made their appearance in the show. Definitely exciting, except the script described them as "death metal" instead of the more simple and accurate "(traditional) heavy metal". Obviously the creative teams heard the words and curses from the community. In the next episode, they gave the statement "Judas Priest is not 'death metal'" in equally famous chalkboard writing scene in the show intro as a joke as well as apology to all Priest/metal fans. Not difficult to understand why the show still applauded after a few decades, just as Judas Priest themselves.

2014年1月13日 星期一

[Kowloon Metal City: News] This Thai Murderer is the Hardcorest Example of What a Hardcore Fan Should Be (as Well as a Reminder to the New Generation of What Black Metal Should Be)

Fan kills black metal singer
for not being Satanic enough


早日網上已流傳著泰國黑金團Surrender of Divinity歌手血紅屍首的照片,詳情公開了:因為不滿自己喜歡的樂隊主音不夠虔誠地信奉撒旦,這樂迷便替魔行道刺殺了他。大家早就忘掉了black metal其實本來就是裏外皆是如此赤裸裸的音樂,因為九十年代之後已再沒這類血腥廝殺燒教堂的新聞,其後black metal音樂也轉變得面目全非了,這泰國樂迷正好提醒了新一代,甚麼是「真正的black metal」。

假如星火可以燎原,有鍵盤戰士受到感化的話,那些「Vampiric/Gothic Black Metal」之流便要小心了。

Bloody pictures of Samong Traisattha, vocalist of Thai black metal band Surrender of Divinity, had been floating online for days. For details, here it is: one fan thought the singer "not satanic enough" which betrayed the way of black metal, thus killed him in cold blood in the name of Satan. Without doubt the pefect example of how to be a hardcore fan.

The new generation never knows this is how black metal supposed to be, as there was no more news of musicians killing each other nor church burning since the 90's. If this fan somehow inspired this generation of keyboard warriors to ditch their hardwares to pick up something more edgy... beware, you "vampiric/gothic black metal" bands.

2014年1月12日 星期日

每週一相片大行動 2014 Week 3:真正的Golden炸雞,原來係KFC鹹蛋雞

雞記今期推黃金雞,即係「用黃金蝦煮法整炸雞」,即係乜嘢我都唔知,只知道我呢世人唔會食第二次䶢蛋味嘅炸雞。乜KFC已經食勻全世界冇貨到連䶢蛋雞都要出 咁技窮呢咩。

可能坐我隔籬個阿伯一早知道個黃金雞係大伏嚟,所以好鬼勁出面買個飯盒拎入嚟食,仲巴閉到特登攞咗個雞記托盤裝住食扮到好似真係KFC堂食正餐噉,好多人見 到都問:


2014年1月11日 星期六

每週一相片大行動 2014 Week 2:戳麻爆了,恭喜恭喜

去唔到Her Name in Blood,戳麻release show就成為2014開年metal gig。隻碟等咗十年都有,當一隊nu-metal band由nu-metal香港當紅時出道、到連外國帶頭幾隊nu-metal一係唔知去咗邊,一係連自己最初用嚟打天下種音樂都唔再玩時先出到碟,其實幾唏噓,不過又唔係壞事,堅持到咁長時間、用咁多年不斷進步,禪意加中樂加重金屬成為現今香港難得獨一無二metal band,反而而家出碟先至係最好的時刻。

想知幾多人同我一樣等佢哋出碟等到無可再等,睇睇呢段公告就知啦。對上聽到嚟HA搞show而可以賣飛賣到有錢都買唔到,係閃靈同萬能青年旅店,兩隊都係外地樂隊,而香港band可以做到同樣開show前已經冇晒飛賣連walk-in都冇大班人四圍搵人放飛,就真係冇乜見過,而最成功係今次主角只係一隊唔算而家好多人日講夜講,又冇乜出名歌流傳,仲要唔pop rock唔文青嘅嘈band。證明戳麻堅持咁多年絕對值得,贏嚟係一班絕對死忠、幾耐都等嘅追隨者。


2014年1月8日 星期三

[Kowloon Metal City: Video] This is What If You Bring a Metal Band to Your New Year TV Show


嫌大前年中國death metal團窒息上春晚唱一首歌不夠?剛剛的新年,台灣的thrash metal代表團Masquerader上台獻唱兩首,台上瘋狂的樂隊與台下一臉WTF的觀眾雙輝映 。

可惜下星期六的Havok香港演唱會,只請得到火燒島來港。如果可找到Masquerader同來,兩支台灣thrash metal勁旅與Havok同台的話,爽死了。

2011 new year, Mainland death metalers Suffocated showed up on TV and performed one song for a new year show. It became better two years later, with Taiwanese thrash metal titans Masquerader played two songs before a whole WTF crowd at a 2013 new year party. What a big surprise, and an entertaining scene we have here.

Sadly only their companion Burning Island are coming to Hong Kong as special guest for the Havok gig here. If Masquerader also come, then we will have the top two TW thrash metal bands for one evening on top of Havok!

Havok Live in Hong Kong 2014


Date: 18th January, 2014
Time: 8:30pm
Supporting band: DeepInside (HK)、火燒島(TW)
Ticket : $230(Advance) $250(Door) $130 (Student)
***HALF PRICE walk-in discount for full-time local students***
TIcket is available at Ticketflap NOW: http://havok.ticketflap.com
地點 Venue:Hidden Agenda
 2A, Wing Fu Industrial Bldg, 15-17 Tai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong

2014年1月7日 星期二





2014年1月6日 星期一




呢排真係忙到連搵老細請假都唔記得,今日一返到公司唔夠三個字就俾客急call出去連走三頭,聽日朝早晏晝都要見客開會傾system development,連寫封email俾老細話新年請假都冇時間。襯今晚有機會上網篤篤,三十飛初五返,時間唔係靚嘅機票加地點唔算靚嘅酒店已經要四千幾,睇埋場show我諗今次2014避年之旅埋單應該要六千幾。應該叫平架喇,如果同成班同事同老細爭假成功爭取到放足一月頭成個禮拜的話,分分鐘又會鼠去歐洲又萬幾二萬。

2014年1月5日 星期日

[Kowloon Metal City: New Song] Alcest "Délivrance": Return of the French "Blackgazers"


法國Blackgazer (Black Metal + Shoegaze) Alcest發表了最新單曲《Délivrance》。更shoegaze,讓人更期待快將來臨的新作。

The globally acclaimed "blackgazers" (black metal + shoegaze) Alcest released their new single "Délivrance". More gaze, less black/metal. And that's a good sign of one wonderful album to come.

2014年1月3日 星期五

[Kownloon Metal City: Feature] Man vs. Machine: The Forever War in Heavy Metal (Drumming)

The Wall Street Journel:
In Speed Metal, Fastest Drummers Take a Beating:
Few Humans Can Keep Up in Battle With Drum Machines



A piece in The Wall Street Journal writes about an increasing number of heavy metal drummers use hardware to manufacture all drummings in studio recording sessions, sometimes even replacing live drum tracks in concert. Isn't it an open secret? A little story: almost ten years ago when Seraphim came play in Hong Kong in 2004, they shared a fun piece of memory. When they entered a studio in Europe, the engineers were actually amazed seeing their drummer taking the seat himself. "What? You play drums for real when recording?"

[Kowloon Metal City: Recording & Production] Metal-Fi Heavy Metal Production Awards 2013

Metal-Fi Heavy Metal Production Awards 2013


Metal-Fi應該是世界上最奇特的metal blog,因為Hi-Fi跟Heavy Metal兩者本身就存在無盡矛盾。而這奇網挑選了由一班瑞典極端金屬老手聚頭自娛的death metal樂隊Torture Division最新demo《The Sacrifice》,還有俄羅斯doom metal樂隊Kauan第五張專輯《Pirut》,作為2013年度重金屬唱片最佳製作得獎作品。也認同讀者們的回饋:在這個樂隊與錄音室只會終日追求音量比人高、音牆比人厚的技術鬥爭年代,Gorguts的《Coloured Sands》是難得明白應該要找能表達自己想要的氣氛與氣勢之音響效果的佳作。

順帶一提,Torture Division雖然多年來都未有發行過一張正式的專輯而只得連串demo,但每個成員來頭都不小,一直得歐洲金屬界傳奇製作人Dan Swanö相助已可見其江湖地位,作品每每比他們本來的團更高水準,所有歌曲更可在官網 http://www.torturedivision.net 免費下載,並鼓勵盜版希望樂迷和唱片公司會自製bootleg銷售,以進一步推廣他們的音樂和信念。有點諷刺,現在其中一支最好的死亡金屬樂隊,會是一個「大家工餘玩玩吓」的消遣活動。

"Heavy Metal" and "Hi-Fi" are forever an oxymoron. And that's what make the Metal-Fi blog one of the most unique in the world, when they are pursuing the highest production standards in heavy metal, one form of art that seems not to care about such so much. On the last day of 2013, Metal-Fi picked Torture Division's newest demo "The Sacrifice" and "Pirut" by the Russian doom metal act Kauan to be the Winners of Heavy Metal Production Awards 2013. Feedback from readers are appreciated too. Their recommendation, Gorgut's "Coloured Sands", should also be included in the list. This album has one of the best production that gives the ideal epic soundscape to the audience, while most still try to compete to be louder and more compressed than others to no end.

After reading, do not miss Torture Division as well. Although they have so far only released a series of demos with no official EP or full-length, the band actually comprises great musicians from even greater bands. Having the honour of being produced by the legendary European metal producer Dan Swanö throughout the years already tells a lot. The most entertaining part is, their songs are so good Torture Division can easily be named one of the best death metal bands nowadays, but after all the years they insist on releasing all their songs free on the internet, even encouraging fans and labels alike to bootleg everything by them. But TD is merely a hobby project for a few musicians to kill time outside of their own bands. Just go to http://www.torturedivision.net and kill 'em all.

[Kowloon Metal City: Metal Cliches & Fun Stuff] 不同人,不同命


2014年1月2日 星期四

[Kowloon Metal City: New Release] Mechina the Symphonic Industrial Metal Overlords Did It Again This New Year


將電影配樂式交響、工業金屬與死亡金屬三者合一,當今其中一支最具特色的金屬樂隊Mechina,2013新年發表了延期了整年的第三作《Empyrean》,在上一年第一 天已奪得了全年最佳專輯席位之一。今年新年,他們以新作《Xenon》重覆這成就。

Mechina is one of the most unique bands in contemporary heavy metal, with their own brew of of soundtrack-scale symphonics, industrial soundscape and death metal. In 2013 they released "Empyrean", which by then had already been delayed for a year, and immediately produced one of the best metal album in 2013 just on the first day of the year. And in this new year, they did it again with "Xenon".

2014年1月1日 星期三