對真正的樂迷而言,香港每年年底年初的連串頒獎禮,觀賞價值只在於能看喜歡的歌手現場表演,和有機會聽到他們唱一些平日不會唱的歌。只是當與歐洲的相比還差很遠,因為他們的不是隨便讓歌手上台唱一唱甚至只得半首就算,而認真看待每一個表演環節,賦予專業級製作帶給觀眾最難忘的演出。像Kvelertak這支近年大紅大紫的挪威black punk metal樂隊在Spellemannprisen這挪威本土的格美林頒獎禮獻唱一首,便獲兩位唱作歌手亮相彈奏民歌結他,中段更有五人軍鼓團出場,如此周章僅僅是為一支樂隊一首歌所費,這在別說black/punk/metal,就連樂隊都難登頒獎禮之堂的香港,實在難以想像。
How incredible it is. In Spellemannprisen 2013, the Grammy Award of Norway, we found Kvelertak on stage. Not only a black punk metal band had the chance to show up in a nation-wide TV broadcast. Also they had the honour to be accompanied by not just one but two singer-songwriter on stage contributing acoustic guitar parts to their music, and then a quintet drumline helped propel the whole performence to an even more epic proportion. This is how a live event in an award ceremony done right.