What everyone looked forward to last weekend was the collaboration of Metallica and Lang Lang, the two giants from their respective world. Sadly the result was not as great as it should be. When the song they did together was Metallica's "One", already you knew who was the main character and who was the sidekick. And really a sidekick Lang was, that his virtuosity contributed nothing to the song, even sounded like the two just played to entertain themselves instead of perform together. And that awkward piano solo ruined the whole flow and feel.
If you thought their previous collaboration with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra "S&M" was meaningless enough, then they took one step further this night.
Snubs Slayer's Jeff Hanneman @Loudwire
看完格林美「Metallangca」的失敗演出,不妨再思考這一問題:為何Metallica早被批評越老越自暴自棄,仍然可以不斷被大型音樂節目邀請做嘉賓;相反對音樂發展影響力同樣偉大、同樣身為「Thrash Metal四大」一份子的Slayer,他們現在的演出依舊氣勢凌人,更贏過兩次格林美獎早在此殿堂留名,今屆年度悼念環節中,卻沒有提及過他們在上一年離世、生前幾乎一手定下了death metal規範的結他手Jeff Hanneman?當然,他也不是第一個在重金屬界舉足輕重的偉人,被這個大型頒獎禮如此忽視。
After watching the shallow "Metallangca" fiasco, let's think deep: why we still have plenty of chances to see Metallica on stage in numerous events or ceremonies, even they are playing worse and worse year after year? Then look at Slayer, the equally influential heavy metal godfathers, also a member of the "Thrash Metal Big Four". They still give superb live shows just as always, and won two Grammy Awards not too long ago. Sadly in the recent annual memorial session, we were missing a name: Jeff Hanneman, the deceased Slayer guitarist , one of the creators of Death Metal Paradigm. Of course he was not alone. There were a lot more greats from the heavy metal world neglected by this ceremony in the past decade.
Nevermind, it's all just entertainment and games for commercial corporations, folks. All is cared is not about the music nor the musicians, but the fame behind them.
確實好難睇,但都應該好過唔知幾時同lou reed個隻碟......