日前談到挪威black punk metal樂隊Kvelertak在「挪威格林美」Spellemannprisen獲很多義人相助壯烈地為觀眾表演了一首歌,今天回一回帶,看看另一個同樣發生在瑞典大型電視節目的史詩式金屬故事。
首先,介紹一下Eurovision。這是全歐洲聯合舉行的年度歌唱大賽,各國家選出一位代表歌手挑戰全歐最佳寶座,最出名莫過於芬蘭的怪獸搖滾團Lordi,破天荒以搖滾姿態在普遍保守的評審中突圍而出,成為2006年度歐洲冠軍。而2009年冠軍得主是代表挪威的俄羅斯裔年青音樂家Alexander Rybak,他的勝利令挪威成為2010年主持Eurovision的國家,而這一年大受注目選手是旋律黑金團Keep of Kalessin,雖以一首非常大眾化的歌曲《The Dragontower》參賽並大獲好評,最後只博得第三名飲恨未能代表主場出戰決賽,不過如此重型的樂隊能夠入選並得此好成績己是一時佳話。
重頭戲在再跟著一年。2011的挪威區選拔賽中,主辦單位找來這前兩年最具議論性的選手合作擔當表演嘉賓,在Keep of Kalessin表演2010年搶得銷量排行榜第二名的專輯《Reptilian》中最出名的《The Divine Land》時,Alexander Rybak擔當他們小提琴伴奏和音歌手,而這並不是像《The Dragontower》一般已跟流行金屬無異的主流作品,相反屬他們一貫高速殘暴的epic melodic black metal,這樣的歌曲居然能登大雅之堂,可見當地音樂節目無論如何保守,最終也可反映和包容到當地各種藝術文化,不得不敬佩與羨慕。
Yesterday we talked about the recent one-song yet epic performance by Norwegian black punk metal band Kvelertak in their home country's Grammy-analog Spellemannprisen. This time we went back further to 2010, the year infamous for Keep of Kalessin winning the 2rd runner-up place in Eurovision National Final, albeit with a very mainstream song that was totally unlike what they usually did.
One year later the band were invited to play an intermission at Eurovision with Alexander Rybak, the 2009 Eurovision champion that won the prize for Norway with some cheesy folk song. This time the band played "The Divine Land", the heaviest song from their 2010 album "Reptilian" which entered the chart at second place when released, with Mr. Rybak provided them shredding violin virtuosity and chrous. What they did here was drastically different from what they did in their respective competitions. And you have to witness the event in order to believe such things really happend on TV in reality.
The lesson here, is musicians only produces the best music when they have absolutely no burden in aspirations and calculations.