嫌大前年中國death metal團窒息上春晚唱一首歌不夠?剛剛的新年,台灣的thrash metal代表團Masquerader上台獻唱兩首,台上瘋狂的樂隊與台下一臉WTF的觀眾雙輝映 。
可惜下星期六的Havok香港演唱會,只請得到火燒島來港。如果可找到Masquerader同來,兩支台灣thrash metal勁旅與Havok同台的話,爽死了。
2011 new year, Mainland death metalers Suffocated showed up on TV and performed one song for a new year show. It became better two years later, with Taiwanese thrash metal titans Masquerader played two songs before a whole WTF crowd at a 2013 new year party. What a big surprise, and an entertaining scene we have here.
Sadly only their companion Burning Island are coming to Hong Kong as special guest for the Havok gig here. If Masquerader also come, then we will have the top two TW thrash metal bands for one evening on top of Havok!
Date: 18th January, 2014
Time: 8:30pm
Supporting band: DeepInside (HK)、火燒島(TW)
Ticket : $230(Advance) $250(Door) $130 (Student)
***HALF PRICE walk-in discount for full-time local students***
TIcket is available at Ticketflap NOW: http://havok.ticketflap.com
地點 Venue:Hidden Agenda
2A, Wing Fu Industrial Bldg, 15-17 Tai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong